What is your program?
We are a part of the Teaching-Family Association (TFA) that uses a behavioral model called the Teaching-Family Model (TFM). We use a motivation system to teach skills while changing behaviors.
You will have a consultant (supervisor) that will come into your home to help you implement the TFM and provide treatment to the youth.
The consultant is also a support to you and is available to you 24/7.
What is the process to become a foster parent?
You will need to be licensed as a foster parent through the Utah Youth Village. We will set up an interview where we can get to know one another and see if Utah Youth Village is the right agency for you. If so, there is licensing paperwork that will need to be completed and turned in.
The criminal background check can take up to 6 weeks for approval. This can be done at our main office in Salt Lake City. There will be pre-service training (40 hours) that will need to be completed before you are licensed.
There is a home study & safety inspection that will need to be completed.
What behaviors are typical in the youth that you work with?
We work with a lot of different behaviors and circumstances with each child. During Pre-Service Training you will learn how to work with different behaviors and help youth learn skills and shape behavior.
You will receive training and support to be able to teach to social and academic issues such as truancy, behavioral problems at school with other peers and authority figures, drug and alcohol use, poor choices and decisions, impulsive, self-harm/suicidal ideation, peer pressure, self-esteem and confidence issues, family problems and drug use, sexual abuse, physical and emotional abuse, abandonment issues, RAD, ADHD, ADD, depression, and anxiety.
You will also be teaching independent living skills to help prepare youth to live on their own. The majority of our youth have experienced some kind of trauma, being removed from a bio-parent, loss of loved ones. Most children are behind in school and need an IEP.
What are the expectations for me as a foster parent?
You will be expected to take the youth to medical, dental, vision, therapy appointments, courts, team meetings, help with transportation to visits with family, complete monthly paperwork, meet with consultants weekly/monthly, and attend/complete online or in-person training.
Do we have a say in who comes into our home?
Absolutely. You will let your Consultant know what population you are interested in working with. Anytime we receive a referral that matches your criteria, your Consultant (supervisor) will call and talk to you about the referral. If we do not have a specific home in mind, the referral will be sent out to all the homes to review. If you see a referral you are interested in working with, you will call and talk with your Consultant. You and your family make the decision about whether a youth is placed in the home or not. You need to feel comfortable with who is going to be living with you in your home.
What are the ages of the children that the agency places the most?
The ages of most of the youth that come into our homes are between 6-17. We do get younger youth when they come into care with a sibling.
How often is the agency in contact with you?
You will have a Consultant available to you 24/7. Your Consultant will come into your home four times a month at the beginning and then as you become more experienced that drops down to once a month.
How many children are we allowed to provide care for?
Licensing allows up to three youth. If there is a sibling group, then you could provide care for more than 3 if you have enough bedrooms.
Can foster children share a bedroom with natural children?
No, foster children can only share a bedroom with other foster children.
How many foster children can be in one bedroom?
Foster bedrooms need to be 40 square feet per child.
Can sibling groups that are of different genders share a bedroom?
No, if siblings are to share a bedroom they need to be of the same gender.
Will my own children be safe while providing foster care?
Yes, when foster parents have low tolerance levels, good monitoring, and supervision. Each caseworker or provider will fill out an application on the youth at referral, describing behaviors, family history, and what has brought this child into care.
All referrals are emailed to foster parents with a brief description of the foster child’s strengths, behaviors, concerns, and etc. At that time if you are interested in this youth you will call your Consultant and talk over this referral.
If you have more questions that aren’t in the referral we can ask the caseworker and try to get the information for you. Your Consultant is your support person and will have you and your family’s best interest at heart. We want to provide as much information about the youth as possible in the beginning before placement happens. After this, we leave the final decision up to the foster parents if they want to take youth or not.
How will it affect our biological kids?
One of our Consultants found that her own biological kids became better adults because of the experiences they had with foster youth in the home. They are more tolerant of others with special needs. They understand trauma. They learned to share and have patience with others.
How old do you need to be to provide foster care?
At least 21 years old.
Can I adopt from foster care?
Yes. Parental rights need to be terminated. The youth needs to have lived with you for at least six months, and you’ll need to have an adoption home study done.
Can I do foster care as a single person/parent?
Yes, as long as you can meet your financial responsibilities without the foster care payment and you are able to supervise the youth (i.e. when they are sick, out of school, first placed).
Can we take the youth on vacation and family trips?
Yes, we always encourage you to take your youth on vacation when possible. You just need to get permission from the caseworker if it’s in-state; if you’re going out of state the judge needs to give permission.
How does the agency help you find respite care foster families if needed?
Youth must always be supervised by a licensed foster family. You can let your Consultant know that you need to go out of town or have a date night and they will help you find a family within Utah Youth Village to provide care.
What is the reimbursement amount for providing foster care?
$32.75 a day per youth. $2.00 per day needs to be used for clothing/allowance/personal expenses for the youth. There are annual raises after completing certifications.
Do you provide financial assistance for extracurricular activities such as swim lessons, sports, music lessons?
Youth in foster care qualify for free lunch and breakfast (when available) at school. School fees are waived. DCFS may help with extracurricular activities if they have money available. Youth have Medicaid so all health expenses are covered.
If you’d like to know more, please contact us today.