The History of Utah Youth Village
In 1969, there were no programs for struggling girls in Utah.
Girls who were reacting to abusive families were either warehoused in inadequate foster homes or placed in detention. Nothing was available to help them reclaim their lives and recover from their abuse.
Lila Bjorklund changed that by creating what was initially called Utah Girls’ Village. Later, in 1988 our name was changed to Utah Youth Village because we started to serve as many boys as girls.
For 25 years, Lila worked 40-50 hours a week, without compensation, to give struggling children of all ages and backgrounds the loving adult relationships and learning opportunities necessary to change their lives.
The charity Lila founded, Utah Youth Village, is one of Utah’s largest, most respected charities serving thousands of individuals a year in therapeutic foster homes, in-home services, a fully-accredited therapeutic boarding school, mentoring, and intensive online parenting resources.
Although Lila has passed on, her legacy of unflinching advocacy and love for children remains in the changed lives of all Village children and families.